The Vision Tools – Electronic Design Debug Made Easy
StarVision PRO
Mixed-Mode Debugger for Transistor-Level, Gate-Level and RTL
StarVision is a mixed-signal debugger that reads RTL, gate-level, SPICE-level and IP descriptions, to provide comprehensive debug for complex SoCs and AMS designs. Open APIs allow compelling options for tool customization and design flow automation.
RTLvision PRO
RTL Debugger and Viewer for SystemVerilog, VHDL and Verilog
RTLvision is an RTL debugger that reads SystemVerilog, VHDL, and Verilog as well as Liberty. It elaborates the given RTL and displays schematic diagrams, optimized for human readability. The integrated waveform viewer displays signal activity over time.
SpiceVision PRO
High Capacity Transistor-Level Debugger and Viewer
SpiceVision is a transistor-level debugger that reads almost any SPICE netlist (such as HSPICE, Eldo, Spectre, CDL or Calibre) and post-layout parasitic formats such as DSPF and SPEF. SpiceVision allows easy circuit exploration and rapid connectivity tracing.
GateVision PRO
High Performance Netlist Debugging and Netlist Viewing
GateVision is a gate-level debugger that reads Verilog or EDIF netlists, or LEF/DEF connectivity and displays them as schematic diagrams. GateVision gives engineers the ability to easily display and understand logic and to analyze connectivity.
Nlview Widgets – Software Components for EDA & CAD Tool Development
Nlview Widgets
Automatic Schematic Generation Engine for EDA Tool Development
Nlview automatically generates custom schematic diagrams. Nlview Widgets are available for many GUI development platforms including: Qt, Java, wxWidgets, Tcl/Tk, Perl/Tk, MFC and JavaScript (runs inside Web browsers) and as a GUI-less version.
Automatic Transistor-Level Schematic Generation
T-engine is an option to Nlview for automatic transistor-level schematic generation. It may be combined with all supported GUI platforms. T-engine enables software developers to quickly build GUI cockpits for SPICE-level EDA tools.
System-Level Visualization and Editing Engine for EDA Tools
S-engine is an option to Nlview for automatic system-level schematic generation. S-engine may be combined with all supported GUI platforms and helps software developers to build smart, block level editors, SoC/IP assembly tools or system-level visualization tools.
Automatic Schematic Generation for Automotive & Aerospace Tools
E-engine is an option to Nlview that allows the automatic generation of E/E architecture schematic diagrams. E-engine enables software developers to easily build automotive & aerospace development and service tools or cloud based applications.
Visualization Technologies for Automotive, Aerospace and Industrial Applications
Visualization Platform to Accelerate Development, Manufacturing and Service
EEvision takes development CAD data as input and automatically renders visual depictions of circuits and wiring harnesses on-the-fly. The ability to quickly dial up specific design views is critical to the smooth development & diagnosis of complex systems.
Automatic Schematic Generation for Automotive & Aerospace Tools
E-engine is an option to Nlview that allows the automatic generation of E/E architecture schematic diagrams. E-engine enables software developers to easily build automotive & aerospace development and service tools or cloud based applications.