EEvision Live Demo & Video
The EEvision demo requires an HTML5 capable web browser with JavaScript enabled, and – depending on your browser – it will load either the pure JavaScript version or a highly optimized binary WebAssembly version of the drawing engine. The web browser must transfer approx. 5 MB JavaScript code (2.5 MB for WebAssembly) which can take a moment, depending on the speed of your internet connection.
Automotive, Aerospace & Transportation
EEvision Demo
EEvision is a server-based tool for the automatic schematic generation and on-the-fly exploration of E/E architectures and wiring harness CAD data. It takes as an input connectivity data in EDB format, which can be generated by a direct export from the used harness CAD tool, or by a conversion of intermediate harness exchange formats (e.g. KBL). This demo environment comes with an example E/E architecture (suv.edb) supporting all major EEvision features.

EEvision: Smart Visualization Platform to Accelerate Development, Manufacturing and Service of Complex Electrical Systems (Demo Video)
This demo video highlights the features of EEvision, Concept Engineering's visualization platform to accelerate automotive and aerospace development, manufacturing, and service.