Concept Engineering's T-engine™ Empowers Visual Debugging in imPROVE-TLL, TransEDA's Functional Abstraction Tool
Integration helps designers to better understand, control and debug the logical abstraction process of their full-custom digital IP blocks
Design Automation Conference, Anaheim, Calif. – June 13, 2005 – Concept Engineering today announced a multi-year worldwide OEM license agreement with TransEDA, a leading provider of coverage and verification measurement solutions for electronic designs. TransEDA has integrated Concept Engineering's NlviewQT Widget™ with the transistor-level visualization option (T-engine™) into TransEDA's imPROVE-TLL transistor-level functional abstraction tool.
The NlviewQT Widget is the industry-standard schematic generation, viewing, and debugging software for electronic design automation (EDA) tool developers who develop graphical user interfaces in C++ and use the Qt GUI development kit. imPROVE-TLL automatically performs an in-depth analysis of a transistor netlist, accurately extracting its logic behavior to generate the corresponding high-level HDL description, in VHDL or Verilog.
TransEDA's imPROVE-TLL debugging facility provides graphical views of both the original transistor-level-structures and the high-level HDL description, and allows cross-probing between these two views. Using imPROVE-TLL, full-custom design engineers can better understand, optimize and debug their circuits and IP blocks, while verification engineers can achieve orders of magnitude faster functional verification.
"The ability of imPROVE-TLL to automatically extract logic behavior from transistor structures offers unique verification options," said Gerhard Angst, president and CEO of Concept Engineering. "We are pleased that our T-engine product helped TransEDA to quickly add advanced visual debugging capabilities."
"No other transistor-level visualization engine offers the performance and quality that T-engine offers," said Jerome Sordoillet, product line marketing manager for TransEDA. "We needed a powerful visualization software with both transistor-level and high-level HDL visualization capabilities, and realized that by integrating Concept Engineering's products, we would save a great deal of time, money, and resources."
TransEDA will demonstrate imPROVE-TLL at the 42nd Design Automation Conference (DAC), Anaheim, Calif., June 13-17, in booth #1358. Concept Engineering will demonstrate the Nlview Widget family at DAC in booth #735.
About T-engine
The Nlview Widget product family generates schematics at the transistor, gate, register-transfer, block and system level. T-engine provides advanced visualization technology to EDA tool developers who work with transistor-level-structures. When integrated with EDA tools, T-engine helps designers of electronic integrated circuits (ICs) and systems on a chip (SoCs) visualize such critical information as circuit structure, timing data and signal values at the transistor level, so they can more easily and accurate tune designs for maximum performance. T-engine also makes it easier to understand output results of cell and IP-block characterization tools.
TransEDA's imPROVE-TLL automatically performs an in-depth analysis of a transistor netlist, accurately extracting its logic behavior to generate the corresponding high-level HDL description. This extracted model can be used for process retargeting or to address more effective functional verification. Resulting from multi-year R&D, imPROVE-TLL can abstract complex library cells, large RAMs and IP blocks, and multi-million transistor designs in minutes, in the final stage of verifying a transistor netlist before tape out.
About Concept Engineering
Concept Engineering is a privately held company based in Freiburg, Germany, founded in 1990 to develop and market innovative schematic generation and viewing technology for use with logic synthesis, verification, test automation and physical design tools. The company's customers are primarily original equipment EDA tool manufacturers (OEMs), in-house CAD tool developers and semiconductor companies. For more information see www.concept.de
Concept Engineering
Gerhard Angst, +49-761-47094-0, info@concept.de, www.concept.de
Cayenne Communication LLC for Concept Engineering
Michelle Clancy, +1-252-940-0981, michelle.clancy@cayennecom.com