Concept Engineering Adds Support for Cadence® Virtuoso® Spectre® to StarVision™ PRO, SpiceVision® PRO and SGvision™ PRO
New interface brings ultra fast design visualization and debugging to customers using Spectre for circuit design and verification
Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Francisco, California – June 4, 2012 – Concept Engineering is adding Cadence® Virtuoso® Spectre® netlist support to its mixed-signal visualization and debugging tools, StarVision™ PRO, SpiceVision® PRO and SGvision™ PRO. Adding support for another leading simulation netlist to the SPICE formats that Concept already supports brings ultra fast design visualization and debugging as well as reduced development time to customers who use Spectre for circuit design and verification.
Concept Engineering's software tools help electronic design engineers to easily understand, debug, optimize, and document electronic designs. Concept's visualization and debugging tools already support important SPICE formats such as Synopsys' HSPICE, Cadence's CDL, and Mentor's Eldo and Calibre as well as post-layout formats such as DSPF (detailed standard parasitic format). Support for the Spectre format extends Concept Engineering's support for mixed-signal design and accelerates product development for customers.
"Our leading microcontroller products are providing more and more advanced analog and mixed-signal features on-chip," said Nick Ayoub, Principal Staff Engineer, Microchip Technology Inc. "StarVision PRO allows full chip navigation of both digital and analog design descriptions at the same time in one single integrated design cockpit. Support for SPICE and SystemVerilog netlist formats gives us even more options for future design projects."
Ori Galzur, vice president of design center and design enablement from TowerJazz Semiconductor added, "We provide our customers with a complex and unique set of library cells and StarVision PRO with its advanced schematic generation features enables us to quickly and automatically create schematic drawings for our mixed-signal libraries and PDKs. Support for the Spectre netlist format is a great additional input language and allows wider usage of the Concept Engineering tools within TowerJazz."
"Hundreds of analog, digital, mixed-signal, RF and post-layout chip designers use Concept Engineering's StarVision PRO, SpiceVision PRO and SGvision PRO," said Gerhard Angst, CEO and president of Concept Engineering. "Many of these customers have asked for Spectre support and we are happy to provide solutions to cover even more design formats and fit into more advanced mixed-signal debugging design and verification flows."
Pricing and availability
Spectre netlist support will be part of SpiceVision PRO, StarVision PRO and SGvision PRO time-based licenses, with no additional license fees for customers already under license. Beta versions of the new products will be demonstrated in booth 1502 at DAC 2012 in San Francisco from June 4-7th; production is targeted for Q3 2012.
About Concept Engineering
Concept Engineering is a privately held company based in Freiburg, Germany, founded in 1990 to develop and market innovative schematic generation and viewing technology for use with logic synthesis, verification, circuit characterization, circuit optimization, test automation and physical design tools. The company's customers are primarily EDA tool manufacturers (OEMs), in-house CAD tool developers and semiconductor companies. For more information see www.concept.de.
SpiceVision PRO, GateVision PRO, and RTLvision PRO are registered trademarks and Nlview, T-engine, SGvision PRO and StarVision PRO are trademarks of Concept Engineering GmbH. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.
Concept Engineering
Gerhard Angst, +49-761-47094-0, info@concept.de, www.concept.de
Cayenne Communication LLC for Concept Engineering
Michelle Clancy, +1-252-940-0981, michelle.clancy@cayennecom.com