Prover Technology OEMs Schematic Viewer From Concept Engineering
EDA component improves time-to-market for state-of-the-art debug support in Prover eCheck
FREIBURG, Germany – May 29, 2003 – Concept Engineering and Prover Technology today announced an OEM agreement that gives Prover Technology the right to use Concept's Nlview® Widget in the Prover® eCheck equivalence checker.
Nlview, the industry-standard visualization engine, enables Prover to provide debugging features related to equivalence checking without implementing yet another schematic visualization engine. As a result, Prover eCheck can offer its customers state-of-the-art debug support in a cost-effective way, contributing to the best return on investment.
"Concept Engineering and Prover Technology are both committed to continued technology innovation and excellent quality," said Gerhard Angst, president and CEO of Concept Engineering. "We are delighted that Prover has selected our visualization technology."
By plugging in the NlviewQT widget for the Qt Multiplatform application development framework, Prover eCheck immediately benefited from the advanced and mature schematic viewing capabilities. By OEMing this technology, Prover Technology saves valuable time and resources, and is able to focus on improving and adding debug features that go beyond displaying schematics, ensuring their customers continued ease of use.
Gunnar Stalmarck, CEO of Prover Technology, said, "Nlview enables us to offer the most intuitive debugging support without spending time reinventing the wheel. Any vendor can OEM state-of-the-art schematic display engines, HDL front-ends, proof engines and other EDA components. When EDA companies focus on their core business and OEM the rest, end users get better tools, we get to market faster, and everybody saves money."
Prover eCheck, including the Nlview Widget and debug capabilities, will be demonstrated in Prover Technology's Booth #1566 at the Design Automation Conference (DAC), June 2-6, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, Calif.
About Prover Technology
Prover Technology is the world's leading provider of proof engines for tool developers and end users in the EDA and AMD markets. Founded in 1989, Prover Technology is the most experienced company in the field of automated formal verification. Its investors include London-based MVI, and The Swedish Industrial Development Fund. Prover Technology has offices in Silicon Valley, France, and Sweden (HQ). For more information and office locations, visit Prover Technology's web site at www.prover.com
About Concept Engineering
Concept Engineering, a privately held company based in Freiburg, Germany, was founded in 1990 to develop and market innovative schematic generation and viewing technology for use with logic synthesis, verification, test automation and physical design tools. The company's customers are primarily original equipment EDA tool manufacturers (OEMs), in-house CAD tool developers and semiconductor companies. The company is located at Boetzinger Str. 29, D-79111 Freiburg, Germany. Telephone: +49-761-47094-0, Fax: +49-761-47094-29, www.concept.de
Concept Engineering
Gerhard Angst, +49-761-47094-0, info@concept.de, www.concept.de
Cayenne Communication LLC for Concept Engineering
Michelle Clancy, +1-252-940-0981, michelle.clancy@cayennecom.com
Prover Technology
Marcus Tallhamn, 650 722-2750,