Nascentric Supports SpiceVision® PRO from Concept Engineering
Hierarchical Schematic Viewer Integrates with Nascim Simulator
Austin, Texas – March 8, 2006 – Nascentric today announced they will be integrating Nascim® with SpiceVision PRO from Concept Engineering. SpiceVision is a powerful, hierarchical, customizable transistor-level debugger and schematic browser enabling circuit designers to view their SPICE netlists, clearly and easily, thus helping to reduce debugging and design time. Nascim, the next generation in SPICE-accurate, high-performance Fast-SPICE simulation technology, allows design teams to analyze larger and more complex circuits up to ten times faster than previously possible.
"SpiceVision PRO's hierarchical, multi-level viewing capability provides designers with better insight into their design" said Dennis George, director of marketing for Nascentric. "This insight, combined with the speed, accuracy and capacity of Nascim, helps accelerate the simulation and verification time of very large designs. As proponents of inter-operability, we will continue to provide robust and seamless links to schematic viewing and design tools."
"Many of our SpiceVision Pro customers are increasingly facing complexity and integrity challenges with larger circuits and more complicated parasitic structures due to geometry's getting smaller" said Gerhard Angst, CEO, Concept Engineering. "We are pleased to be working with Nascentric to provide a combined solution which will improve debug and development of these large and complex circuits."
About Nascentric
Nascentric is a privately held company headquartered in Austin, Texas. Nascentric delivers state-of-the-art simulation and analysis solutions addressing nanometer design issues related to timing, power and signal integrity. Our products allow designers to quickly simulate, analyze and verify larger and more complex circuits, improve design quality, and facilitate higher yields. The Nascentric management team brings decades of combined electrical engineering and electronic design automation experience to bear on the challenge of delivering full-chip simulation and analysis focused on eliminating silicon re-spins due to nanometer effects. Nascentric, the Nascentric logo, and Nascim are registered trademarks of Nascentric, Inc. All other company or product names are the registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective owners. For more information call 1-512-225-8800, or visit us on the web at www.nascentric.com.
About Concept Engineering
Concept Engineering is a privately held company based in Freiburg, Germany, founded in 1990 to develop and market innovative schematic generation and viewing technology for use with logic synthesis, verification, test automation and physical design tools. The company's customers are primarily original equipment EDA tool manufacturers (OEMs), in-house CAD tool developers and semiconductor companies. For more information see www.concept.de
Concept Engineering
Gerhard Angst, +49-761-47094-0, info@concept.de, www.concept.de
Cayenne Communication LLC for Concept Engineering
Michelle Clancy, +1-252-940-0981, michelle.clancy@cayennecom.com
Nascentric, Inc.
Dennis George, +1-512-225-8775, dennis.george@nascentric.com
VitalCom Public Relations
Lou Covey, +1-650-366-8212,