Concept Engineering's NLVIEW™ Visualization Engine Adopted by Calypto Design Systems to Power the Debugging GUI of PowerPro® Product Family
Agreement gives Calypto high-performance, high-capacity GUI for power optimization
FREIBURG, Germany – June 6, 2011 – Concept Engineering and Calypto Design Systems have renewed an existing OEM agreement, allowing Calypto to integrate and use Concept Engineering's Nlview automatic schematic generation and viewing software as the visualization engine for the complete PowerPro product family. Calypto uses Nlview within the graphical analyzer cockpit of the company's power optimization products. Nlview shows RTL-level schematics and schematic fragments and interacts with other design views of the analyzer cockpit to give design engineers detailed understanding of the power optimizations that are performed by Calypto's PowerPro products.
"Concept's schematic visualization engine gives our customers compelling visibility, improved control, and easier validation. Working with Concept allows our engineers to spend their time improving the core PowerPro engines, while at the same time giving our customers a world-class graphical environment" said Doug Aitelli, CEO and President of Calypto.
The integration of Nlview into PowerPro gives Calypto customers a high-performance, high-capacity GUI that provides very detailed feedback about automatic RTL code optimization as well as automatically pinpointing circuit regions with potentially high power consumption. Easy-to-read schematic diagrams give designers quick and detailed feedback on and control over the power optimization process. Cross-probing between schematic diagrams and original RTL code makes it easy to understand and fine-tune the RTL code changes necessary for power optimization.
"Meeting and holding tight power specifications in modern SoC designs is extremely important and difficult," said Gerhard Angst, CEO and president of Concept Engineering. "It gives us great pride to be working with Calypto Design Systems to improve this area of design."
PowerPro software with the integrated Concept Engineering visualization engine will be shown at the Calypto DAC booth 2012 at the 48th Design Automation Conference (DAC) in San Diego from June 6th to 8th, 2011. Concept Engineering's technology for automatic schematic generation, navigation, and visualization will be on exhibit in booth 2831 at DAC.
About Concept Engineering
Concept Engineering is a privately held company based in Freiburg, Germany, founded in 1990 to develop and market innovative schematic generation and viewing technology for use with logic synthesis, verification, test automation and physical design tools. The company's customers are primarily original equipment EDA tool manufacturers (OEMs), in-house CAD tool developers and semiconductor companies. For more information see www.concept.de.
Concept Engineering
Gerhard Angst, +49-761-47094-0, info@concept.de, www.concept.de
Cayenne Communication LLC for Concept Engineering
Michelle Clancy, +1-252-940-0981, michelle.clancy@cayennecom.com